Thursday, September 07, 2006

9 September 2006, Saturday, 11.12pm

Stoning Saturday

Gymless week. First, I was sick on Tuesday, then Thursday, i was kind of giving excuses to myself that I consumed alcohol before dinner thus unable to gym. Lame. Simply lazy in Earth terms. But I really did drink some wine with colleagues before leaving Tourism Court. Anyway, to quickly redeem my guilt, i text my colleagues to have a sweat out session at the gym during Friday's lunch hour ... phew... managed to engage them and did a quick 28 mins of cardio on the treadmill. Combusted 206 calories. Hurray! But this was quickly blanketed with sinful dinner at Cuppage with indulgent on cockles, bbq stingray, buffalo wings... fuck it, I had good companion with my best friends of friends afterall. From sex to pubic wax, holidays to weekdays, we covered all topics within those moments we had last night. It was a hilarious and a fun catch-up session for the foursome. Trust me, i found the moment with the Trio. Moment is just like orgasm - something that reaches its peak with blueprint memory. Hmm... finger licking good... simply lovely. I have been giving mental note to myself that I have to fill my memory stick in my brain cells with at least gigabytes of life moments so that when I reach 62 (year of retirement), I can recount back the moments I had and to wear the grin on my face then. Hope to store more of these in time to come. We made a deal to meet up more often which we have been missing for years. Good job.

It has been a month since Bryant was stucked in Bedok over the past 4 weekends. It kind of feels emptiness without his cries in the house. In fact, I was hoping that I could play with him this afternoon, but to return home to a room of silence and stale air. Duh. Murphy's Law : things always happen the way we least expected. Woon Beng's Law : what the hell, I can still play with myself what! Urh.... Loser. Joey, if you are reading this journal, yes I will have exotic sex in London in November if Lord permits! haha... I guess I have been too conditioned with Bryant's presence thus this feeling.

Thank God Clement for waking me up this morning. Ta dah!! Record high for the year - I climbed out of bed at 6.46am. Hold on a second, 6.46am on a Saturday? Ok maybe it doesn't count because it is not a weekday which I am required to. But Hell, it is a start, isn't it! My dear Clement from a far, very much appreciated for the undivided call across the ocean, that passed the longitute and stormed through the altitude- to ring me from San Diego! Cheers dude! You made me a winner today. *Bear-Hugs-to-you-and-merci-beaucoup* Urm... can you do it like another week on this pilot test again, till I can stand up on my feet and shout to the world proudly that I can finally reach the office at 9 am?! :) Anyway, reason-for-so-early-Saturday: 6.46am out-of-bed routine, 7.34am taxi to Revenue House, 8am - Tennis commenced. It was for tennis. It was rather early for any activity to commence at 8am, but Clement told me it is alright for tennis game. Dude, young Singaporeans do not wake up this early for sports (I realised). I am not sure what do Californians do on Saturday morning, but I do recall once I caught you sleeping at 9ish on a Saturday morning! So spare me the early-bird-catches-the-worm philosophy. I am not certain if I can sustain such early tennis session on weekends. This would mean compromising and restricting my late hours through weekend nights. We will see, to see if adaption and adoption do take place on my body clock. A challenge I have to battle within myself. *yawnsss* My clock reads 12.18am, and my body clock tells me "what the fuck are you still up at this ungodly hour?! Scram to bed, you butthead!" My reply, "Kan ni nah lah!!"..............


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