Monday, September 25, 2006

25 September, Monday, 9.29pm

A Leopard will never change its spots

Indeed, how true. Whoever who came up with this idiom is really wise. Examining the phrase, I guess the only way to change its spots is to wear a leotard for the rest of its life; hiding its true identity to hide its spots. Even so, the spots which is skin deep, still remains imprint to its pores. This disguise in the form of human context is even more complex and dangerous. Why so? You never know when this "leopard" will decide to artificial de-skin itself and launch a vicious prowl. Besides, who can really tell even when wearing the leotard, will this person surprise an attack, with his skin-deep intentions.

Whoever who falls under the umbrella of this phrase is probably someone, erm, someone unpredictable? Someone who enjoys attention? Mmmm..... someone who is vindictive? A pinch of every aspects I guess? I do not really know. I really have no idea why can't these people move on? Maybe they have not seen the light to wisdom and maturity? Or they have this thrill on playing mind-games? Perhaps to both. Guess if you encounter with one such human-leopard, just be cautious and wary before you get inject with its venomous bite ... ...

Oh, Bryant is awake, let's see what he'd like to say on this page :


Hahaaaaa.... talented. Better retire to bed, my tummy has been growling with fluid, and I am very nauseous. I would throw up anytime if I want to, but I detest that feeling so I am actually holding back the pukie thoughts. Well, if man can get pregnant, I may be pregnant then. Duh.



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