Thursday, September 28, 2006

28 September 2006, Thursday, 10.28 pm

Tin Tin stock-exchange

A hilarious evening. I gave a Tin-Tin lacquered poster "On marche sur la lune" (the one I bought from Hanoi) to Oli and in returned I received a "Les Sept Boules de Cristal" comic strip from Oli. We both laughed out loud, and literally laughed out loud when we did the unplanned exchange. What a coincident. Besides TinTin, I also received a junior novel titled "Vipere au poing". My first expression when I saw the title was two-big-eyes-with-frowned-and-raised-eyebrows-and-twisted-lips; this gave Oli the chance to say "ta-dah!" So he translated, Snake at the Fist. So unfrench. Snake? Fist? French? Putting the three words together is just like getting an equation of 1+2=4. It just do not add up to French at all. Duh. Oh, but the interesting thing was, when I flipped the book open, boy, it is so much easier to read than the Harry Potter I bought at Kinokuniya two weeks back. So I smiled and say, ca va! ce n'est pas trop difficile pour moi! Haha. Time back to 9 years ago, I remember Valerie bought the Le Petit Prince for me when we did a Franco-diner at The Straits View. I was told that Le Petit Prince is a fairytale which every French would know. Honestly, I never had the chance to complete the book, erhh... it was kinda dry. Seriously. That probably explained why when I read to petite Alexandre and Franck, they simply were not interested then. Haha. Valerie has since gone back to France for nine years? Wow, and I am clocking at 28 this year already. wahhhh... So, when I rang Oli to tell him my arrival, he French-speak to me. Purposely. Duh. When I followed his instructions to his standing point, he hung up and said, "tu comprends et connais francais bien! You found us!" - Bien sur! Nah.... I found you people because you people are tall and I could spot yous from afar! hahhhahahhah....... .. . ..

Alas! Elementary exam is in two weeks time. Panic attack. I detest the oral part. Should I say I dread it? urm... maybe I enjoy it? Perhaps, I loathe it? Negativity - A sign of Aquarian. Easily-attacked-by-Butterflies-in-stomach - symptons of Aquarian flu. Laziness - an indication of an Aquarian trait. Daze-look - a symbol for Aquarian. Voila, a man-boy Aquarian for you.

Still getting the creeps and hairstand when I recount the puke session on Monday midnight. While I was doing the merlion stunt and pose, my stomach cranked up like an engine that I teared and I could feel my internal organs doing bumper-car rides. Hell I wish I would just collapse then. The process was too painful. Thank God mom was there to stroke my back to ease the threw-up and also helped me to tidy up the mess. I love my mom 100% for such heroine act. During my tour leading days, I was once the "mom-heroine" who had to hold the plastic bags while the students puked over long distance rides. Not because I was a true hero, but I had no choice. The teachers themselves were either affected or were just too wimpsy-wossy to see their students throwing up. So this man-boy who took sympathy to these boys and girls who helplessly emptying their stomach out had to do the honour. Those were the days. So the aftermath of the threw up left me with acute pain in my tummy and also my shoulder blades for days! Har? Dont ask me why shoulder blades. Clueless me too.

kan ni nah!!!!!!!!! What the hell is a fucking lizard crawling on the bedroom floor! Great..... now cannot sleep in peace !!! chee bye lah!!!!! Fear - a mark of Aquarian!


Blogger Bonny said...

Yay!!! You finally adjusted ur alignment. Look so much better now! Heh =)

1:18 am  

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