Thursday, January 31, 2008

30 January 2008, Wednesday, 1506hrs

Brokeback Mountain encored A tribute to Ennis Del Mar

So it was the news about Heath Ledger passing on last week, and so happened that I was catching his legendary episode of the Brokeback Mountain over the last weekend too. And guess what? I actually paid more attention and details to the conversations and screen acts.

And these are two new discoveries that I picked up over the second watch-over last weekend which I never did in my first time.

The ranch
So, says Senior Jack Twist that Jack had always wanted to bring someone with him to the countryside to build a ranch; Ennis had always being Jack's preference (but of course), but that did not quite happen. I mean, yes the ranch was built but it was not with Ennis. So according to Senior JT, someone was with Jack. I have this strong sense that it was with that guy whom he met at the ball; the guy whose wife has the the-one-way-to-stop-me-from-talking-is-to-stick-a-dick-in-me look, ie, the guy who sat outside the party house with Jack (on a bench) and who reviewed that they should be together instead (of the wives).

The lost-and-found shirt
Ennis found a shirt which he lost (while at Brokeback) at Jack's hidden corner; with Jack's blue denin-lookalike shirt enveloping the lost shirt. The ending was seen and realised by me that Ennis turned it the other way round instead, ie, the lost shirt over the blue one, before he uttered "Jack, I swear".

Now, there are many ways to interpret this "Jack, I swear" statement at the end of the show.
Andy-a-la-Ennis: I swear that I will "take care" of you for the rest of my life.
Beng-a-la-Ennis: I swear that I will bring you back to Brokeback where we belonged (Senior Jack Twist wanted the late Jack to be buried with the family's line of grave if you can still recall).

The last minute decision to the movie was somehow pleasant, I say. Sweet feeling.


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