Sunday, September 09, 2007

9 September 2007, Sunday, 12.56am

Tuesdays with Morrie, an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson - Completed

When I was at my last few chapters of the book, I didn’t want to complete the story actually. I didn’t want Morrie to die. I want to “discuss” or rather read more of his teachings of life. Even though I was never acquainted to him in any way, I can connect with him as a great listener and a fantastic teacher. He taught Albom his philosophies till his last days in bed. How touching. They discussed mundane issues and things that are so relevant to everyday life. He taught me a lot through those 192 pages. As much as I would love to self deny and have Morrie alive in my heart, I still completed the book. Clearly, he taught me how to move on, and though moving on and leaving behind the past is tough, one can’t just stop the time tick-tocking and stand still at that moment. Moments are there to cherish and not there to stay forever. At least, that’s how I define ‘moments’.

First Tuesday – The World
The world is a vast mass of land I call Earth. The world which everyone knows, where evil meets the saints, the poor meets the rich, the hunks meet the babes…. . The paradise which God created with Adam and Eve, have now transformed into the world we now know as Earth, and an Earth of Love and Sin.

Second Tuesday – Feeling sorry for yourself
Self pity? Don’t do that, in fact never do that. Let people feel sorry for you, but never feel sorry for yourself. Never bring yourself down by self pity. It will only dampen your spirit. What's there to be sorry anyway? You answer for all your actions, so don't feel sorry but think before you do.

Third Tuesday – Regrets
There are a handful of regrets in my life actually. For one which came flashing through my mind now is why didn't I step my feet out to Jame Cook University when I graduated from TP. I could have. But I chose not. Maybe I was young then, and I didn’t have much directions to make the appropriate and futuristic decision. Regret, a word that makes people reflect the past constantly, but also a chance for you to improve and plan your life ahead in a more decisive manner to avoid additions of regrets.

Fourth Tuesday – Death
I fear the word death. In reality, I fear of funerals too. There are many times when I can take five and think of my last breath as a human being. Will it be gasping for air and feel the pain around my chest due to suffocation? That’s how people die, don’t they? I hate the thought of thinking the last breath that I inhale before I cross over.

Fifth Tuesday – Family
This topic was covered pretty much in the previous logged in. As mentioned once, my family is closely knitted somehow. We live in a village and we move like a tribe.

Sixth Tuesday – Emotions
That’s probably my last name. I am hell one of those emotional kuku who always let my heart rules over my brain.

Seventh Tuesday – The fear of aging
Embrace aging. In theory, as we age, we gain knowledge too. I think as we add 'one' to our age each year, it means absolutely nothing but addition. In fact, I find aging as one of the most bizarre twist in life. Some people look older as we thought they can be, and then there are some who look young but hyperthetically immature to many extend... so then, what does this mean? Does it mean addition of age = knowledge? Not necessary.

Eighth Tuesday - Money
Face it, no money no talk. We see in the papers how money is so influential to make a family member suing the other family member out of inheritance. We also hear of bribery, corruptions, fraud, debt, loansharks, all in the name of money. Money is powerful. It brings you heaven and hell, and to many others, it brings them happiness too. How sad to know that we are so manipulated by money.

Ninth Tuesday – How love goes on
This somewhat ties with emotions. I can’t really pledge for my love now. As a loser without any lover, who am I to say my love goes on? Well, you know, I ain’t Celine Dion either.

Tenth Tuesday – Marriage
I love to live in a fairytale where everything seems so sweet as a couple. The sweet nothings and love making session in a marriage are always incredibly satiable and hormones raging in a fairytale too. How nice. Hope mine will become a true-life story to be told some day.

Eleventh Tuesday – Culture
We are who we are and a huge percentage of us are actually molded by our own culture. And my culture is? Respect thyself before you respect the others.

Twelfth Tuesday – Forgiveness
Sure, to forgive someone takes a lot of pride and acceptance. Just like my love and hate relationship with my dad, certainly, I forgive him for all his errs, but I doubt I can forget them too.

Thirteenth Tuesday – The Perfect Day
The day when you found your trueself and moment of mements, that’s my perfect day.

Through this book, I take away with me a handful of memorable thoughts and emotions, which I truly treasure and appreciate. It touches my heart 100% and I must say, a book well written, Albom. Thank you.

Thank you Matthew James for introducing Albom’s art pieces to me and of course, a big thank you to Lillian Clonts for the lovely Borders Christmas gift card that encouraged me to pick a book from the Borders library.

In memory of a great teacher:
Fate succumbs many a species: one alone jeopardizes itself – W. H. Auden
Love each other or die – Morrie Schwartz


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