Sunday, August 19, 2007

19 August 2007, Sunday, 11.41am

Running thoughts

This week had been hectic for me. The LEAP paper, the wake, the funeral, the follow-ups of LEAP, the Bryant-vomitted-on-me-in-the-middle-of-the-night-but-slept-on-it, the inhale of Bryant's stench... all these played a part to my illness. Now, I'm feeling wobbly and nauseous. Feel like a preggie, whom may just throw up if I'm ask to make a drastic movement or motion.

Haven't had tennis session for a while. A real while. So it seems like we have been booted out of Mandarin Garden now that Daylea's uncle has collected back the resident card. This, plus the declining interests from the lovey doveys, explain the dormant and infrequent tennis game. Then again, as I always believe in how things evolve by itself for a reason, Olivier whom I had always been asking to exchange a few blows of tennis game but never materialised, texted me and requested for a regular twice a weekly sessions with him. How timely, and coincidental. I can't explain my passion for tennis, but I'm simply loving every joule of energy hitting the ball across the court, with my 9 to 5 swing! Supposed to start this week, but since my schedule have been shortcircuit, we agreed to commence our twice a week session the coming week. Yeah!!

Got to get going... ...


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