Wednesday, December 20, 2006

20 December 2006, Wednesday, 11.34pm

Fabulous New Zealand

How time flies, the last log in, I was talking about my preparation to Kiwi Land. And now, I'm writing a post mortem of the trip that I spent there for 3 weeks. Time snaps, ain't it? So how's life been for the past month? I was kinda depress before departure. Now, I am really glad that this trip to NZ was realised. You can't imagine how contented and happy that I am to have been there in NZ. It was really a fabulous, incredible and worth-spending trip that I have ever travelled. Very refreshing and enlightening. I can feel the connection of Woon Beng with NZ. And I choose to believe that New Zealanders are the most purest mankind in this planet. Sincerity is simply written all over their faces. Warmth is probably the middle name for all New Zealanders too. I hardly encounter any superficial exchange, in fact, thinking about it now, I don't recall any! It was such a holistic experience that I will cherish now and forever.

Friends and comrades asked about my favourite city in New Zealand since I manouveured from the northen tip of North Island to cruising down to south of South Island. Believe this or not, I love ALL of NZ, from urban to suburban to rural, and from corner to corner, edge to edge! Tip top upside down, I simply love it all. But really, I think it's a fair question, and in fact, I think it's good to really know which city I like since I have the impulse and tendency to immigrate there once I'm ready emotionally and financially. Yes, one fine day. I shall think it through and run through the places that we drove pass, we stayed through and we touched down.

Exactly 10 mins to midnight. Goodness gracious, Carissa woke me up five times last night. What can I do with my neighbour? I couldn't bear to scold a cute 8 months old baby, so I woke up with a morning sulk and chose to adopt the happy path. I mean, I was quite mad the 4th time when she cried in the middle of the night, mad for the fact that why do I have to bear the responsibility of being a father when I am only an uncle. Why can't Stanley fetch her back when he's off today?! I can't complain too much, because I'm coward for not voicing this to Stanley, for not telling him my bottled feelings of why should I take on his responsiblity. I should if I could. But I didn't. Let's see when will this bottle of suppressed feelings be exploded. I'm sure it will when the lava couldn't hold out any more. We'll see.

00.00am. Midnight. Alrighty, better tuck in to bed now since I'm so sleep deprived ever since I returned. Besides, I'm really tired. Sigh, welcome back to Hell?


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